the freedom pursuit





freedom        pursuit

FAITH-PRIMED mentorship & community to build a fruitful life with affiliate marketing.

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the freedom pursuit


→  You have a vision for your life but feel uncertain with what steps to take to begin, one thing is certain, you need an additional source of income.
→  The process of stepping into a new business venture feels daunting, but you know this is something God is nudging you to pursue so you can be liberated from living in survival mode.
→  You want  more control of your money, schedule, location and time. You want to break the chains and restraints of your current employment and feeling like all you do is work to serve someone else's dreams and bank account while you suffer behind the scenes.
 → You're ready to make the changes necessary to experience the true WEALTH of life...freedom.

Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich. If God thought that money was inherently evil, he would not provide it for his people and call it a blessing.

The vision is FREEDOM.

Time Freedom.
Location Freedom.
Mental Freedom.
Financial Freedom.

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Proverbs 21:5
Good planning and hard work leads to prosperity.. But hasty shortcuts lead to poverty."

Private & group coaching

the structure

1-on-1 strategizing as needed
m-f daily zooms-recordings available
remote work

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Access to mentorship from muli-millionares and a library of timeless resources. ( I only mention networth because it is important to be lead by people who have already achieved the results. This is in no way to boast, we have a divine duty to duplicate. Money is no idol of ours, only KING JESUS)

Be seen for your true value and get paid residual income for your work ethic...finally

Experience a new level of peace building a network marketing business that honors both INCOME and IMPACT.

Work remotely, whenever and where ever makes sense for your lifestyle.

Learn how to build a profitable, passion-led business with a Godly community.

A life free from bondage


Submit your application

The nature of this mentorship is special because it is centered around YOUR prosperity but led by people with the grace of financial increase. It is not a one size fits all program- it is designed to mold to your life, your work ethic and your vision of FREEDOM.



Click any of the links on this page to get more information on the business opportunity.



Join a community of spirit-led entrepreneurs. Sitting at new tables and being around a new proximity is what expands your potential to succeed.


ACcess to the freedom pursuit module in the Primed soul app

After being welcomed to the Freedom Pursuit community, you will receive an onboarding email along with instructions to get access to all of the resources.

how the journey unfolds

Start Here

im ready


The more financial stable we are, the more we can clearly discern God's direction because we are no longer in a state of survival mode. There is no reason our life in business needs to be seperate from biblical principles and this opportunity proves that possible.

im ready


The compensation plan is residual and you get paid beginning the next calendar month. Quick yet sustainable income.

im ready


 Life force is a byproduct of joy. When you take a risk and walk in alignment, you move with a supernatural energy that is protected and preserved by God. When we are obedient to the Lord, depletion and burn out are no longer part of your daily life because you're ignited by the spirit of fire.

The foundation of your business will be:

Meet TheMentor

My name is Kassandra Music. God put the vision of Freedom Pursuit on my heart to create another stream of income for spirit-led entrepreneurs. This is a vehicle to uplift women into their Kingdom identity, break demonic strongholds of poverty,  and encourage others to boldly move into a life that reflects the agenda of Heaven. When we live a life of poverty both of the mind and in our finances, it can be challenging to walk in our God-ordained assignment- this opportunity paves the way to more stability and most importantly, it liberates us from being stuck in the system that grows richer as the poor grows poorer.  I have a way of capturing vision and seeing people not for where they are, but for their potential. I can identify your blind spots and anoint your wounds to live a life of increase and command new levels of grace. If you have made it this far, this is for you. On the other side of risk is prosperity. Success is earned as you build brick-by-brick...the first brick is applying at the link below. I can't wait to introduce you to a whole new world of freedom and possibility in Holy Spirit-led network marketing space. I pray for the Lords hand over your journey.

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the newsletter


In a world of unpredictable algorithms, the newsletter is the best way to stay connected to the word. It is also my favorite way to pour into you.

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