God is interested in your success, but before he can bless you and expand your territory, he wants you to draw near. He wants to see you come into agreement with your inheritance and come out of agreement with lack, fear, poverty, and wordly constitution. 

is the 



"and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god."

Romans 12:2

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I'm kassandra

disciple |educator | brand development

Í've spent most of my life on the battlefield and in the face of adversity-fighting, overcoming, and climbing. Despite being deep in the wilderness, I always felt like I was on the brink of renewal and breakthrough. Once that finally happened for me and I found space between my wings, I began reaching new heights but still felt like I was falling short and missing something.

Í've spent most of my life on the battlefield and in the face of adversity- fighting, overcoming, and climbing. Despite being deep in the wilderness, I always felt like I was right on the brink of renewal and breakthrough. Once that finally  happened for me and I found space between my wings, I began soaring to new heights but still felt like I was falling short and missing something.

I believe the antidote to everything and what is missing in the marketplace is Christ as the culture, Christ as the compass, Christ at the center, and Christ as the foundation- thats exactly what I aim to teach you in Christ > Career.

I believe the antidote to everything and what is missing in the marketplace is Christ as the culture, Christ as the compass, Christ at the center, and Christ as the foundation- thats exactly what I aim to teach you in Christ > Career.

What I realized is God wasn't measuring my good works and productivity, he wanted my surrender. He had no plans to increase my influence, harvest, and business until I went deeper into a supernatural contract with him. He was asking me to soften my grip and crucify my desires and expectations. He wanted to transform me, to give me new eyes to see, new thoughts to think, and for me to seek the desires of HIS heart, not my own. This led me to the revelation that no aspect of our life should exclude our Father or his principles, including and especially, business.

What I realized is God wasn't measuring my good works and productivity, he wanted my surrender. He had no plans to increase my influence, harvest, and business until I went deeper into a supernatural contract with him. He was asking me to soften my grip and crucify my desires and expectations. He wanted to transform me, to give me new eyes to see, new thoughts to think, and for me to seek the desires of HIS heart, not my own. This led me to the revelation that no aspect of our life should exclude our Father or his principles, including and especially, business.

Jesus spilled his blood and gave you the authority of the Kingdom. He endured the cross  to anoint you as his heir, so my question is, are you in agreement with your identity? Are you living within his design for your life and reaping a fruitful harvest? or are you distracted, drifting, and feeling disconnected from your assignment?

Here is a profound wisdom key...The very nature of Heaven is woven within you and the wealthiest you will ever be is when you are dwelling in his presence.